Review / Mid-Term Quz



 Unit: Assessment

 Theme: Mid-Term Quiz



Every semester I assess your understanding of the content covered so far. Just right before the progress report's dead line, you test your own abilities to retain some of the themes we have learned and experienced together.  Today's quiz evaluates how efficient I have been in communicating ideas about Embodied Movement Practices based on your responses to the questions below.




  • Understand the nature of self-assessment
  • Make sense of the various concepts explored in class
  • Gather an awareness of assessment that is conducive to further learning
  • Experience what is like to put into practice the content learned in class



Main Lesson 
  • space, levels and direction
  •  focus
  •  breath
  •  breath connectivity 
  • breath capacity
  •  kinesphere
  • Labas's cube
  •  Laban's 4 Components of Human Movement & 2 elements per component
  •  Laban's 8 Efforts Actions


1. In reference to the spatial elements of dance studied in class such as: space, levels and directions, how have they helped you with your body movement and expression?


 2. Keeping your focus when moving in space is very important both for the performer and for the audience. Explain how keeping your focus has influenced the quality of your movement?


3. After experiencing what consciously moving with your breath feels like, in which way do you think breath can enhance the quality of your expressive movement? 


4. In your opinion, how can we increase our breath connectivity during performance?


5. What would you do from now on to develop your awareness about breath capacity and connectivity?


6. When thinking about the relationship between the dancer's body and the space in which the body moves, the concept of the kinesphere becomes useful. Why? 

7. The kinesphere is also the container of a cube (containing all diagonal directions and dimensions). In other words, it is the container of  angular geometry inside a round geometry. How can these dimensions help performers, actors, dancers diversify their locomotive choices?

8. Laban's 4 Components of Human Movement and the 2 elements each component has, as listed below, give movement contrasting qualities that enrich movement expression. Explain.

  1.  One direction (direct)
  2.  One direction ( indirect)
  3.  One weight (light)
  4.  One weight (heavy)
  5.  One speed (quick) 
  6.  One speed (sustained) 
  7.  One flow (bound)
  8.  One flow (free). 


9. In class we explored Laban's 8 Efforts Actions. Mention an ordinary (everyday life) movement that matches each one of Laban's 8 Efforts Actions listed below:




10. In which way do you think the work done in class so far could enhance your performance skills in your own artistic field?
A Note to Remember
The Elements of Movement guide us through space in ways that make our movement creative, meaningful and more interesting to watch.

Case Study


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